
I’m John Bender. I enjoy being at home and home from home. Since retirement Marty and I have visited family and friends in various parts of North America and winter/spring in the Duchy of Cornwall, UK.

We’re avid walkers and almost get giddy about our favorite paths in Cornwall, as elsewhere. We equally value the times we’re able to renew in-person relationships with family and friends, whether that’s through church, theatre, books, food, games, formal and informal gatherings–really, just times together.

Retirement has its attractive aspects of re-firement, that is, as Robert Browning noted, exploring the best of life for which the first was made.



One thought on “About

  1. Katherine Peters Yamada

    Hi John, Just came across a reference in michianaanabaptisthistorian.org to your research on the Mennonite Publishing House and your trip to Scottdale, PA to look for info on women who were active in the publishing company. Am wondering if you came across the names of Martin B. Fast and his wife Elisabeth Thiessen Fast and their daughter Agnes.

    M.B. was my great uncle and I am working on a book about him. Would be delighted to hear form you.


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