Focus on getting from the day, not through the day

Cogitation 5, 2020 Saturday 1 February “Time takes all and gives all,” said Giordano Bruno (1548-1600). I can only surmise what this Italian philosopher, Dominican friar and poet meant by his statement. How did he tie that, for instance, to his views on infinity, or the unity of truth in science and faith? I can only imagine what Bruno’s life and times were like in the advent of the Scientific Revolution.

Bruno would be a topic for discussion over morning coffee, or a lecture, or reading his biography. Bruno, like Copernicus, believed that the earth orbited annually around the sun and that the earth daily turns on its own axis. Bruno, however, had some fantastical ideas not in tune with Copernicus and other philosophers and cosmological theorists of the day. He believed in extraterrestrial beings, that there were numerous inhabited worlds. He may be a hero for modern believers in UFOs and aliens.

A wonderful world stretches far and wide, high and low, calling for the diligent application of, let’s call them, ecological virtues, including freshening our attitudes.

Bruno was burned at the stake as a heretic on 17 February 1600. His statue can be found in Campo de’ Fiori square in Rome: wrists bound, book in hand, face partially obscured by his cowl. After Galileo (1564-1642), he was Italy’s most famous heretic.

I saw the Bruno quote in Coffee News, 27 January 2020. I’m making a loose application of it to the extra day we have in this 2020 leap year. Every four years leap year appears on the Gregorian calendar. Time takes away all of one day in three years and gives all of it back in the fourth. Apparently, the extra day keeps, or gets, us up to speed on time. Some traditions wait 400 years and add a month. I’ll take February 29, every four years.

A leap year past

In the misty haze of college-era memory, I recall a leap year Sadie Hawkins’s Day dinner date, in which the traditional gender roles were reversed. Happily so. (I read Al Capp’s Li’l Abner cartoon for a time, featuring Sadie and her dad, Hekzebiah. The strip ran 1934-1978.)

Three women students invited two friends and me to dinner at a downtown restaurant in Winnipeg, Manitoba. We dressed up in suit and tie. As I recall, the food was very good, the evening fabulous. We may have gone to a concert after, I don’t remember. So fine. So leaping lizards fine, a leap year long ago.

Timely tips

More from Coffee News: “May all your troubles last as long as your New Year’s resolutions.”

Abraham Lincoln found his way into a book written by my dermatologist. Lincoln: “I worried about a lot of things in life and some of them actually happened.” A Doctor’s Dose of Inspiration: What a dermatologist learned from his patients and his life–wisdom from the skin in, by Roger T. Moore, MD (2018, Elkhart, Indiana, 92 pp).

Another quote from Dr Moore’s book, this one from William James (1842-1910) : “The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human can alter his life by altering his attitude.” How many altered attitudes does a good life make? James was the first educator to offer a psychology course in the United States.

Finally, this sage comment from Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus: “To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.” Speaks to me.

Winter country interlude

The lake tranquil, not yet frozen.

“Nobody wants to be at the lake in winter,” mused my sister-in-law, Mary last weekend. Marty and I spent two days with Mary and Gerald at their lake cottage in LaGrange County. On Saturday, Marty and Mary attended a baby shower for a great-niece. At the cottage we enjoyed chit chat, food, and games of Canasta and Five Crowns.

How sweet it was to be in a cozy setting, watching cloud-like waves of snow skitter across the thin ice, the coffee maker ever compliant, a cookie or two at hand, sound sleep, a meal out with just enough takeaways for the next evening, supplemented with cheese, chips and a mixture of bananas, apples and oranges. Breakfast included baked oatmeal (the leftover dish mentioned in last week’s blog). It truly was a restful, renewing, moment in time, imbued with a lake-full of well-being.

A strong westerly wind skittered waves of snow across the thinly frozen water.
Misty morning view across the lake.

Wolcottville, Indiana

The Twin Six Restaurant in Wolcottville is a go-to place for breakfast or lunch when we’re in the area. It had once been a Philips 66 gas station.
Salt and pepper always at the ready, hot sauce on request.
This friendly, not-stopping-for-a-second unless for a scratch behind the ears, cat, is at home in a used goods store across the street from Twin Six. The owner found her in the restaurant’s dumpster. No dumpster diving anymore. I can image she’s a fine mouser.

Countryside scenes

Are these gleaners fenced in? A closer look revealed an electric wire keeping them “off road.”
Three slightly bent trees have survived clear-cutting of fields and prevailing west winds.
Home-bound on a county road, ever vigilant for Amish in buggies, bikes and on foot.


This week we had the pleasure of having friends Willard and Alice come for brunch. We live on the same campus, but need to carve out time to replenish our bank of conversation and nutrition. And we did.

We caught up on news and views over a first course of smoked wild salmon, bagels, cream cheese, onion, capers, heirloom tomatoes, olives, pickled corn, and fruit smoothies. The Pacific West Coast salmon came from the Duty Free shop at the Sarnia/Port Huron border, as did the spicy pickled corn, a product of India.

Second course was a baked Denver omelet. Then came a small plate of orange slices and prunes, small danish pastries, and coffee. It made a two-meal day for us.

I’m all for farm-to-plate food, though there are occasions when I do appreciate what’s in store from the wider world, especially news.

Time-proven views

“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.” Albert Einstein

“Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.” William Shakespeare

A concluding thought from Dr Moore: “When I realized quite a few people talked about their past, it dawned on me that today is tomorrow’s past. How many of these people (myself included) had known, during those moments they reminisced about, that those would be the times they would look back on and cherish? This thought also made me wonder if we miss some of the value of this current time in our life, or ‘the present,’ because we are too focused on getting through the day. . . .

“It is up to us to get from the day rather than through the day [emphasis mine]. Let’s take the opportunity to experience most fully the magic of this very moment as we put it into the context of the many days of our life. By thinking of each day as a magnificent gift, we are truly finding the value in ‘the present.'”

Face-to-face, the dears

Attentive, alert, curious about the stopped car, these deer soon led six or so into the woods. Taken Friday, 31 January in far eastern LaGrange County, after lunch with sister-in-law Doris at Wall Lake Tavern.



4 thoughts on “Focus on getting from the day, not through the day

  1. Kaye

    I am through the day but I got a lot from the day. After a nice warm shower I’m sitting on the couch with Milou for a quiet moment. He is snoring and content. Just got back from a very snowy ride from the farm. Annual sausage making was the event of the day, and was also able to get to the arena to watch Alexander’s hockey game. After a buzz of ongoing activity and visiting it’s nice to reflect on the day and now enjoy days end.


    1. John Bender

      Snow? Oh my, I missed responding to your February comment. Sorry. Twas a long time ago, eh? May the buzz pick up again at the right time. Best!


  2. Kaye

    I got through yesterday after many events, driving on the snowy 401, going to the farm for annual sausage making, going to Alexander’s hockey game and coming home again. It was an eventful day and I certainly liked the perspective of getting from the day. And now as I sit with a tea before bed I thankfully reflect on getting from the day.


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